Massoud Novin Farahbakhsh

Massoud Novin Farahbakhsh is the third generation to a stamps loving family. He has been surrounded by the Iranian philately and stamps narrative from the early age of 12 when he assisted his father in the philatelic trade.

After finishing university in 1980 and returning to Iran, Massoud started working alongside his father while studying the Iranian philately. As a keen scholar, he published a booklet in 1984 containing the results of his study on the on the Provisional issue of 1906. Some years later, he contributed the product of his study on the First World War sensor marks in the west of Iran to the IPSC magazine.

He is currently working on the project “Enschede Correspondence” which covers the Dutch printhouse’s communication with government authorities in Iran as well as other related parties during 1892-1938.

Massoud has consistently participated at international philatelic exhibitions after the passing of his father. He has an enthiusiastic interest in the Early Lion Stamps as well as the pre-1925 Postmarks of Iran. The exhibits on these studies were able to achieve Gold models at several world exhibitions. His other areas of interest include 1909 and 1911 issues as well as the Iranian Postal Stationery.

Massoud heads the N. Farahbakhsh Philatelic Establishment, a 95 years old family firm that was founded in 1926. The firm publishes, among its other philatelic activities, the annual catalogue of “The Stamps of Iran”.

He has a bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from London University and is member of London Philatelic Society. As an additional hobby besides philately, Massoud created in 2006 an internet radio station called Radio Golha which is dedicated to broadcasting Iranian traditional music.