IRPEX 1403 Prospectus and Entry Form
IPSC was organized for the express purpose of advancing the cause of Iranian Philately through research and education. This exhibition provides a forum to further this cause.
1. ELIGIBILITY — IRPEX 1403 is an open show, subject to the rules and regulations in this prospectus. Exhibits must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor or an immediate family member. Multi-ownership will not be accepted.
2. ENTRY — All exhibits must be classified on the Entry Form according to one of the sections, and signing of the Entry Form denotes acceptance of the rules and regulations in this prospectus.
Exhibiting Catagories:
a) Traditional
b) Postal History
c) Postal Stationery
d) Airmail
3. FRAMES — Each virtual frame will hold 16 – 8 1/2” x 11” or A4 size pages or 8 – 11”x17” or A3 pages. You can exhibit as many frames as you wish. There are no frame sizes or page limits for exhibits in Section 6.
4. FEES — There are no Entry fees for IRPEX 1403
5. CLOSING DATE — All entry forms must be submitted by December 15, 2024.
6. DELIVERY — IRPEX 1403 will be a virtual show, and a scan of all exhibit pages must be delivered by December 15, 2024. Each exhibit page must be scanned at 300 dpi using sRGB color space or a PDF file. No digital manipulation of philatelic material is allowed, and any exhibit with image manipulation will be disqualified.
7. JUDGING — A panel of at least five Judges will be provided. The decisions of the judges will be final.
a. Category 1 to 5 — Accepted international philatelic judging standards will apply, and IPSC Large Gold, Gold, Large Vermeil, Vermeil, Large Silver, Silver, Silver-Bronze or Bronze medals will be awarded to all winners.
b. Category 6 — Certificate of participation and written feedback from the jury will be provided.
c. All Categories — All exhibits are eligible for the following awards:
i. Grand Award
ii. Reserve Grand Award
iii. Best Qajar Era Exhibit
iv. Best Pahlavi Era Exhibit
v. Best Islamic Republic Era Exhibit
vi. Best Exhibit related to Tabriz